The fifth question to ask yourself is: How tightly defined is your brief?
Whilst innovation by nature is expansive, future-facing and has the potential to unlock a world of possibility, it actually thrives on focus.
To get to a great outcome, you need a very tightly-defined brief.
Here are some of the parameters you might want to consider:
- Are you clear on the occasion you are targeting?
- What is the competitive set? And what is happening on the fringes of the category?
- What price point are you aiming for?
- Are you clear on what new technologies are available?
- Do you have any existing assets that you can leverage in different ways?
- What are the critical success factors?
A tight brief helps to maintain focus and direction, ensuring your innovation efforts are aligned with your growth ambitions.
They also help to focus your creative efforts on the elements that will unlock the most value for your consumers, which will greatly increase your chances of success.
Join us next time for question 6, how will you unlock creativity